गन्ना कैलेंडर (Ganna Calendar) क्या है?

गन्ना कैलेंडर (Ganna Calendar) एक कृषि-आधारित कैलेंडर है, जिसका उपयोग विशेष रूप से गन्ना किसानों (Sugarcane Farmers) द्वारा किया जाता है। यह कैलेंडर किसानों को गन्ना फसल की बुवाई, देखभाल, कटाई, और आपूर्ति से संबंधित महत्वपूर्ण तारीखों और चरणों के बारे में जानकारी देता है।

गन्ना कैलेंडर का उद्देश्य

  1. फसल प्रबंधन: गन्ने की बुवाई, सिंचाई, उर्वरक प्रबंधन, और कटाई के सही समय की जानकारी प्रदान करना।
  2. समयबद्ध आपूर्ति: गन्ना किसानों को चीनी मिलों तक फसल पहुंचाने की तारीखें बताना।
  3. उत्पादकता में वृद्धि: फसल चक्र के सही समय पर सही कदम उठाने में मदद करना।
  4. चीनी मिलों का समन्वय: चीनी मिलों में गन्ने की आपूर्ति का सही समय पर प्रबंधन करना।

गन्ना कैलेंडर के मुख्य घटक (Key Components of Ganna Calendar)

  1. बुवाई का समय (Sowing Time):
    • गन्ना की बुवाई के लिए सही मौसम और तारीखें।
    • उन्नत किस्मों का चयन।
  2. सिंचाई (Irrigation):
    • फसल के प्रत्येक चरण में पानी की आवश्यकता।
    • जल संसाधन प्रबंधन।
  3. उर्वरक प्रबंधन (Fertilizer Management):
    • उर्वरकों का सही समय और मात्रा में उपयोग।
  4. कीट और रोग प्रबंधन (Pest and Disease Management):
    • गन्ना फसल को कीटों और बीमारियों से बचाने के उपाय।
  5. कटाई का समय (Harvesting Time):
    • गन्ने को चीनी मिलों तक सही समय पर पहुंचाने का शेड्यूल।
    • फसल की गुणवत्ता को बनाए रखना।
  6. आपूर्ति शेड्यूल (Supply Schedule):
    • चीनी मिलों को गन्ने की आपूर्ति का समय।
    • किसानों के लिए भुगतान और लॉजिस्टिक प्रबंधन।

गन्ना कैलेंडर का लाभ (Benefits of Ganna Calendar)

  • बेहतर उत्पादन: सही समय पर फसल प्रबंधन से अधिक उपज प्राप्त होती है।
  • चीनी मिलों का समन्वय: गन्ने की आपूर्ति का सही समय पर प्रबंधन।
  • किसानों को आर्थिक लाभ: समय पर भुगतान और उचित मूल्य सुनिश्चित करना।
  • प्राकृतिक संसाधनों का सही उपयोग: जल और उर्वरकों का संतुलित उपयोग।

गन्ना कैलेंडर कैसे प्राप्त करें?

  • राज्य कृषि विभाग की वेबसाइट से।
  • स्थानीय कृषि अधिकारियों से संपर्क करके।
  • गन्ना विकास संस्थान (Sugarcane Research Institutes) से।
  • सहकारी गन्ना समितियों (Cooperative Cane Societies) के माध्यम से।

Translated in English :

What is the Sugarcane Calendar (Ganna Calendar)?

The Sugarcane Calendar (Ganna Calendar) is an agriculture-based calendar primarily used by sugarcane farmers. It provides essential information regarding the planting, care, harvesting, and supply of sugarcane crops. This calendar plays a vital role in guiding farmers through the various stages of sugarcane cultivation, helping them make informed decisions about their crops.

Purpose of the Sugarcane Calendar

1. Crop Management:

The calendar provides farmers with important dates for sowing, irrigation, fertilizer management, and harvesting. This helps them manage their crops more efficiently at each stage.

2. Timely Supply:

It informs farmers about the dates for delivering sugarcane to the mills, ensuring that the supply is timely and the quality of the sugarcane is maintained.

3. Increased Productivity:

By following the right steps at the correct time in the crop cycle, farmers can achieve better yields and improved profits.

4. Coordination with Sugar Mills:

The calendar helps sugar mills coordinate the timely delivery of sugarcane from farmers, ensuring smooth operations and optimal production processes.

The primary goal of the Sugarcane Calendar is to ensure the efficient use of agricultural resources and provide farmers with a structured approach to managing their crops.

Key Components of the Sugarcane Calendar

1. Sowing Time:

  • Provides the correct timing for planting sugarcane.
  • Suggests selecting advanced varieties of sugarcane for better yield.

2. Irrigation:

  • Informs farmers about the water requirements for sugarcane at each stage of growth.
  • Provides guidelines for water resource management, ensuring efficient use.

3. Fertilizer Management:

  • Offers advice on the correct timing and amount of fertilizers to use.
  • Recommends fertilizers based on soil testing to enhance crop growth.

4. Pest and Disease Management:

  • Suggests ways to protect the crop from pests and diseases.
  • Encourages the use of organic pesticides where possible.

5. Harvesting Time:

  • Provides the schedule for harvesting sugarcane and delivering it to sugar mills.
  • Ensures that the quality of the crop is maintained during harvesting.

6. Supply Schedule:

  • Organizes the supply of sugarcane to the mills.
  • Helps farmers with timely payment and logistics management.

Benefits of the Sugarcane Calendar

1. Improved Yield:

Efficient crop management at the correct time leads to higher sugarcane yields and better production.

2. Coordination with Sugar Mills:

The calendar ensures that the supply of sugarcane to mills is well-coordinated, preventing delays and disruptions in production.

3. Financial Benefits for Farmers:

The calendar helps farmers get timely payments and fair prices for their crops, improving their economic situation.

4. Optimal Use of Natural Resources:

The calendar promotes the balanced use of water and fertilizers, ensuring sustainable farming practices.

5. Time Management:

With a structured crop cycle, farmers can manage their time more effectively, allowing them to focus on other agricultural activities.

How to Get the Sugarcane Calendar?

  1. State Agriculture Department Websites:
    Farmers can download the sugarcane calendar from the official websites of their state’s agriculture department.(enquiry.caneup.in/)
  2. Contact Local Agriculture Officers:
    Farmers can also get the calendar by contacting local agriculture officers who are responsible for the distribution of such information.
  3. Sugarcane Research Institutes:
    Sugarcane research institutes often provide calendars along with advanced techniques and tips for better crop management.
  4. Cooperative Cane Societies:
    Many cooperative cane societies also distribute the sugarcane calendar to farmers in their area.


The Sugarcane Calendar (Ganna Calendar) is not just a useful tool for farmers, but it also plays a critical role in bridging the gap between agriculture and industry. By following the calendar, sugarcane farmers can ensure timely and efficient crop management, leading to increased yields and better profits.

With the right information, timely decisions, and proper resource management, the sugarcane calendar becomes a pathway to progress and growth for farmers.

If you want more information about the Sugarcane Calendar, contact your local agriculture department or cooperative cane societies. 🚜🌾

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